シャルロット・ペリアンはル・コルビュジエとピエール・ジャンヌレの仕事上のパートナーであると同時に、当時世間が注目する気鋭の若手家具デザイナーでした。ル・コルビュジエのプロジェクトを引き継いだ彼女は、1928年にフォトゥイユ・グラン・コンフォール (安楽椅子大・安楽椅子小)、シェーズ・ロング・バスキュラン、フォトゥイユ・ドシエ・バスキュラン(肘掛け椅子)、フォトゥイユ・ピヴォタン、さらには以前よりデザインしていた浴室用のスツール、タブレ・ド・サルドバンを製作しました。
これら一連の家具は1930年に “Le Corbusier, P. Jeanneret, Ch. Perriand”「ル・コルビュジエ、ピエール・ジャンヌレ、シャルロット・ペリアン」の名のもと、トーネット社により製作され1925年よりル・コルビュジエとピエール・ジャンヌレが構想していた「デ・カジエ、デ・シェーズ・エ・デ・ターブル」(収納棚・椅子・机)のコンセプトの一環に含まれるようになります。
さらに1964年、ハイディ・ウェーバーはチューリッヒの展示館 ”La Maison de l’Homme”「人間の家」(ル・コルビュジエ・センター)にこれら4つのモデルを納めるため、イタリアのメダにあるカッシーナ社に製作を依頼します。
Of course, there would never have been a collection without the collaboration of Le Corbusier, Pierre Jeanneret and Charlotte Perriand either. Charlotte Perriand was a furniture designer, and was the partner of Le Corbusier and Pierre Jeanneret. She took over the project and in 1928, created the Fauteuil grand confort, grand et petit modèle armchair, the Chaise longue basculante and the reclining Fauteuil dossier basculant small armchair, the swivel Fauteuil pivotant small armchair, along with the Tabouret de salle de bains stool which she had previously designed.
This range of furniture was produced by Thonet from 1930 under the name “Le Corbusier, P. Jeanneret, Ch. Perriand” and was included in the “Des casiers, des chaises et des tables” (containers, seats and tables) concept conceived by Le Corbusier and Pierre Jeanneret in 1925. Heidi Weber, a gallery-owner in Zurich, launched a collection containing a restyled Chaise longue basculante, Fauteuil à dossier basculant and Fauteuil grand confort, grand et petit modèle in Switzerland in 1959. These pieces were built by local artisans and were baptised “le corbusier sitzmöbel/ sièges/chairs”. Distribution was very limited and each model bore the initials “LC”.
Heidi Weber engaged the company Cassina S.p.A. of Meda to manufacture these four models in 1964 when the Maison de l’homme was being built in Zurich.
The Italian company Cassina acquired the production and sales rights to these models designed in 1928 by Le Corbusier, Pierre Jeanneret and Charlotte Perriand by contract dated 23 October 1964.
The exclusive rights to manufacture and sell these models were extended from Italy to Europe, to the Americas in 1967 and the whole world in 1971. The range was further expanded in the 1970s to include most of the furniture designed by Le Corbusier, Pierre Jeanneret and Charlotte Perriand under the direction of the Fondation Le Corbusier and Charlotte Perriand in collaboration with Filippo Alison and Cassina.
The LC collection was also extended to include a furniture series designed by Le Corbusier alone in 2010, with the series marking a return to nature by the great architect as he pared the wooden pieces back down to the essentials.