
INTERVIEW - VOL.25 Francesco Rota (フランチェスコ・ロタ)


私は家族の会社で保険外交員として働いていたのですが、まったく満足はしていませんでした。 ずっと絵を描くのが大好きで、建築と「もの」全般、特に住環境に関係するものに夢中だったのです。そこで25歳のとき、スイスにあるアメリカの大学(アートセンター・カレッジ・オブ・デザイン)に入学しました。同校では最短で最善の教育を受けることができたからです。
Please tell us the main stimulus that have led you to study Design ?
I was working as an insurance agent at my family company, but completely unsatisfied. I always loved to draw, an I had a passion for architecture and objects in general, mostly the ones connected to the domestic environment. at the age of 25 I joined an American University in Switzerland (Art Center College of Design) that could educate me at the best but in the shortest time.
What was the biggest incident that has influenced your existence
When on 17th of December 2012 my Design Studio was burnt down from a big fire. instead of getting desperate, I started to go faster in the reconstruction of the studio and I gave a big push to my work. year 2013 was so successful that I doubled the clients and the income.
What was the most impressive designs/projects you've done so far?
I love every project I do, from a small scale to a larger one. Art Direction is very attractive to me because, first of all, you sit close to your client and you look at the work from a different perspective, you have the opportunty to enter in touch with many topics and to work in a complete way on the project of the evolution of a Company and its proper brand identity.
What is the most important Concept that serves as basis of your creations?
Simplicity, coherence, balance, elegance and playfulness together with material research, texture and color research with a special attention to production processes.
What do you think about “Diversity” in the areas of office and home furniture design?
I think it is very important to offer diverse perspective and point of views to propose new models of living and working.
FORO(フォロ)について - デザインコンセプトを教えてください
about "FORO" - Tell about design concept.
When I was asked to design a sofa for Cassina IXC. I immediately thought to develop a modular product that could be re_configurated to respond to the customers needs, in order to adapt to different spaces both in residential and contract markets. and I also wanted to offer a soft product also in its aesthetics.
FORO(フォロ)について - 名前の由来を教えてください
旧ローマ帝国において「フォロ(Foro)」は、現代のイタリアにおける「ピアッツァ」と同様に、あらゆる人が集う場所でした。フォロ システムソファは、人々と共に時間を過ごしたくなるような場所です。
about "FORO" - Tell about thoughts in naming "FORO".
Foro, in former Roma, was the place where everybody met, like in the actual italian Piazza. Foro sofa is the place where you want to share time with people.
FORO(フォロ)について - オススメの構成は何ですか?
about "FORO" - Tell about your recommended composition.
Cross shape or separate modules for the contract market, a 2 or a 3 seater module + a platform for the residential market.
FORO おすすめ構成
FORO おすすめ構成
FORO おすすめ構成
FORO おすすめ構成
What do you think about manufacturing in Japan and difference from Italy?
I love to work with Japanese companies, in Cassina IXC. I found very skilled people, a great level of precision and attention to details + serious industrial techniques for production. I found that, like in Italy there is a lot of competence but in Japan the work is more structured and planned for the success of the product.
What kind of project would you want to do in future?
I would love to continue this fantastic collaboration with Cassina IXC. and to work with all the people I had the opportunity to meet in the company, and to develop more interior design projects.
What is your favorite architecture or designer?
What interests you most at this moment within the Japanese culture?
I love the Japanese culture in all its facets. I have travelled throughout Japan from Furano to Ishigaki jima, I love the food, the gentle people, the traditional and the modern architecture, the hectic life in Tokyo, but also the lay down rithm of the countryside…….. the page is too short to tell you how much I love Japan, but what I really like the most is to create relationships with people and live the Japanese culture with them.
Francesco Rota(フランチェスコ・ロタ)
Francesco Rota(フランチェスコ・ロタ) 1966年ミラノ生まれ。1984年にアートセンター・カレッジ・オブ・デザイン(カリフォルニア)を卒業後、1988年にミラノに自身のスタジオを設立。以降、インテリアデザイン、プロダクトデザインを手掛け、国際的なデザイン賞であるコンパッソ・ドーロなど数々の賞を受賞。インテリアのほかにも自動車、化粧品、ファッションなどクライアントは世界中多岐に渡る。